Short on cogitation long on repetition a sense-drilled-out-of-him curriculum victim; an overschooled fool methodically misled by the expertly misleading system the quintessential intellectual flunky a distinguished received-opinion-junkie our star so-called scholar was compliantly addicted to a rigid diet of unquestioning study. An academic yes-man an accomplished parrot a tenured automaton an educated dope; a paragon of learning by means of mindless rote he beamed with pride at the letters that like a tether of weathered chain he never failed to unspool into the depths at the end of his name. He beamed at the mere sight and thought of all these sought-after alphabetic links that anchored his claim to scholastic fame as he basked in the summa cum light of having earned the conspicuous right to trumpet these the jargon-ingesting proof and hoop-jumping culmination of his collegiate-cartel-sanctioned ersatz education and having become a cant jangling jester a registered expert at transmitting his academese-steeped disease; a lauded champion of the mauling of logic and the mangling of language an impeccably vetted adept at scientific/semantic perversion; one of mental corruption's illustrious preeminent accredited merchants and having evolved into all of these nothing would prevent much less impede his speedy ascent to that prestigious catbird seat that perch reserved for the highest high priest and current dispenser-in-chief of certified quackery in the graduate factory's fabulous faculty of pseudo-scientific studies. A model indoctrinator an ideological clown a doctrine bound buffoon; an inquiry despising curiosity deterring conformity enforcing goon our star so-called scholar — while pretending to defend and foster all things enlightened and liberal — was secretly sworn to thwart critical thinking being as he was a big deal in the well-dissembled field of advanced enhancement of blinkering.
The nail here has been hit on its head with a large, heavy, well-aimed hammer. In Oct 2020, I wrote a piece titled "Irrational science and the virus of bureaucracy". It highlighted the idiocy of Trisha Greenhalgh who at that time was baying for more lockdowns and was boasting, if memory serves me correctly, 26 letters after her name. Had this poem been written much earlier, it would have allowed me to be a lot more poetically rude about her "academese-steeped disease".
“The nail here has been hit on its head with a large, heavy, well-aimed hammer.” — Thanks for the comp! Apart from being what I consider to be one of my “major” poems, this poem is also one my favourites. No doubt this is due to the force and cleanness of the hammer blow.
While the corruption/capture/perversion of academia has been going on for a very very long time, it's recent acceleration has been gobsmacking in its speed, breadth and brazenness. Already, back in 2017/18, the “grievance studies affair” (Boghossian, Lindsay and Pluckrose), while stunning to outsiders, merely exposed what those rarities who were both sane and close to the action, could not have failed to notice on the reg.
I wasn't aware of the "grievance studies affair". Just read about it now on Wikipedia and had a good chuckle wondering what a hoot it would be to read a chapter of mein kampf in feminist language.
The nail here has been hit on its head with a large, heavy, well-aimed hammer. In Oct 2020, I wrote a piece titled "Irrational science and the virus of bureaucracy". It highlighted the idiocy of Trisha Greenhalgh who at that time was baying for more lockdowns and was boasting, if memory serves me correctly, 26 letters after her name. Had this poem been written much earlier, it would have allowed me to be a lot more poetically rude about her "academese-steeped disease".
“The nail here has been hit on its head with a large, heavy, well-aimed hammer.” — Thanks for the comp! Apart from being what I consider to be one of my “major” poems, this poem is also one my favourites. No doubt this is due to the force and cleanness of the hammer blow.
While the corruption/capture/perversion of academia has been going on for a very very long time, it's recent acceleration has been gobsmacking in its speed, breadth and brazenness. Already, back in 2017/18, the “grievance studies affair” (Boghossian, Lindsay and Pluckrose), while stunning to outsiders, merely exposed what those rarities who were both sane and close to the action, could not have failed to notice on the reg.
PS: any live links to the piece you mentioned?
I wasn't aware of the "grievance studies affair". Just read about it now on Wikipedia and had a good chuckle wondering what a hoot it would be to read a chapter of mein kampf in feminist language.
Here's the piece I referred to:
They certainly had a hoot writing the papers. Here's a link to a deeper dive ...
damn, well put, cheers.
Thanks ... your appreciation is appreciated.