This poem was revised on JAN 27, 2025.

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Marvelous word-work to detail the propped-up propaganda we're puddled in. Love it.

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Glad ya like it!

Someone has to nail down these obscenities, beyond the bounds of prose — may as well be me. It's out of a sense of outrage I suppose, that I feel compelled to attempt to immortalize the prevailing madness.

But of course, given that the notion that anything can be immortalized is nothing but a human delusion, the best we can do is catalogue the ills that beset us, as if recording their description were a means of reassuring ourselves that they weren't mere hallucinations.

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I don't know if the "Hundredth Monkey" theory is true, but reading this (All? In part?) at poetry events/open mikes will at least raise some eyebrows and plant a few seeds...and there must be some poetry/litmags out there that publish political poetry....

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I wouldn't know.

Right or wrong, my instinct is to stay far away from all things related in any way to "poetry"/poe-biz. My assumption, born of occasional furtive peeps into its product and organs, is that it, like almost all "art" these days, is acutely infected with the woke mind-virus and is largely reduced to a vehicle for imbecilic hive-mind virtue signaling.

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Thanks ... I'd heard of their "stickers" from various sources, but not much else.

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It's pretty much underground, but seems there is a website in the U.K.

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