Thick with the greed of the maddest of men an iniquity nurturing upper-class den full of the fullest-time liars and thieves picture a set that plays host to a scene crawling with deal-trolling crony-cap carnies peddling sweet slices of corporate sleaze to kickback-happy money-mad armies of eagerly corrupted political hustlers and public-private revolving door whores. Since influence is both sought and bought with a zeal equal to that with which gas and matches are apt to be snatched up by pyros — as certain as graft beats the snappiest of paths to the back doors of power like static to styro — and since this sordid attraction forms part of the sorry order of things as they are we find ourselves living by the rules and directions of a breed of suit and tie tyrants who live to succeed by rigging the system through predacious deceptions. Teeming with seamless liars and first-class thieves and legions of mercenary lobby firm barkers touting the wonders of reciprocal sleaze picture a misconduct fostering five-star den whose function is the giving of life and license to the avaricious mischief of insatiable men; picture a gilded stage made for a cast of bad actors who play their treacherous parts in a tragic farce in which honour's a laughable old-fashioned notion that only applies to the suckers outside of that hallowed hall built for mammonistic devotion.
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Excellent, once more.
"we find ourselves living by the rules and directions
of a breed of suit and tie tyrants who live to succeed
by rigging the system through predacious deceptions"
Yes. That's why we often feel there is something badly wrong with our society, our world, without necessarily being able to explain why... We are living our whole lives inside an immense lie, scam, racket.
And you don't get into the game unless they already have something on you to bribe you with. Good old boys love their networks and their pawns sent out on checkerboard floors.